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Hangzhou Yuhang District cangqian middle school

Hangzhou yuhang district cangqian middle school is located in the hometown of zhang taiyan -- cangqian street, east and hangzhou normal university cangqian high education park, south and the provincial party school, hai chuang park, science chuang park across the canal, in the yuhang innovation base core area, the geographical position is superior, convenient traffic.



School introduction
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School was founded in 1958, the new school was founded in October 2008, the construction of the total 58931 ㎡, a total construction area of 40738 ㎡, all kinds of facilities with the provincial standard, complete all kinds of special classroom, unified use electronic whiteboard teaching, student accommodation, on campus verdant, vibrant, is an appropriate learning livable GongYuanShi institutions.On February 17, 2011, with the establishment of "hangzhou normal university affiliated yuhang art education group", yuhang district cangqian middle school was officially listed as hangzhou normal university affiliated cangqian experimental middle school. Through the "close educational cooperation" with hangzhou normal university, cangqian middle school continuously promoted the connotation development of the school.

The school adheres to the "people-oriented" philosophy of running the school, adheres to the "people's satisfaction school" as the purpose, and adheres to the road of invigorating teachers, education and the school through scientific research.The school has been rated as one of the first batch of yuhang district model school of code of conduct education, city safe campus, city excellent psychological counseling station, city language standardization model school, city advanced unit of "national defense education", hangzhou civilized school, hangzhou model school run by law, zhejiang province health promotion school and so on dozens of honors.In the legal education into the campus activities, the school was established by the provincial judicial department as the province's only junior high school law education contact point, listed as hangzhou "five", "six five" law popularization "law six advance" contact point, as the province's education system "five five" advanced school for law popularization.


Adhere to quality education to cultivate students' innovation ability and practical ability

The school comprehensively promotes the quality-oriented education with cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability as the core, and has made remarkable achievements in campus culture.The school attaches importance to the development of comprehensive courses, giving full play to the educational significance of music, sports, beauty, labor and other courses, and organizing excellent local courses and school-based courses;Actively carry out sunshine sports activities, such as the organization of large classes to ensure that every student every day to participate in the collective exercise for an hour, and hold all kinds of sports competitions, such as track and field sports meeting, basketball competition, tug of war, rope skipping competition, table tennis competition;Various interest groups have been set up to cultivate students' specialties. In 2013, the school set up interest groups such as calligraphy, painting, vocal music, dancing, basketball, computer, mathematical contest, vehicle model, sea model and radio direction finding.The development of various interest groups has greatly improved students' practical ability and enriched their campus life.

Adhere to scientific development around the characteristics of running schools to pursue quality education

Hangzhou normal university affiliated cangqian experimental high school is one of the three independent legal person schools under the jurisdiction of yuhang art education group affiliated to hangzhou normal university. Based on the educational orientation of "general education + artistic characteristics", it is the middle link for children to enjoy "fifteen years through train" art professional education.In the future, the school will take the "framework agreement on education cooperation between hangzhou normal university and yuhang district people's government" as the action program, make a scientific plan, recruit students from inside and outside the district, and establish a special class for sound and beauty education.

Establish the educational philosophy of "establishing aesthetic education".Scientific philosophy is the premise to do a good job in a school, whether it is art or music, is the pursuit of the art of beauty, the school will establish the philosophy of "aesthetic education", adhere to the "people-oriented", through the art education to teachers and students an interest, a special skill, a beautiful soul, a higher level of comprehensive qualities, lets the student's personality and potential in the stage of compulsory education free, harmonious sustainable development.

We will improve facilities and lay a material foundation for characteristic schools.According to the teaching of special classes and the actual requirements of the school to strengthen art education in an all-round way, the educational technical equipment of the music room, the art room, the practice room, the piano room and other functional classrooms should be further improved to ensure the development needs of the school and lay a material foundation for the construction of the school.

Strengthen the construction of teaching staff and realize the professionalization of teachers.District education bureau will be small class (in principle, the class size at the stage of compulsory education is no more than 36, and increase the number of art teachers) standards to equip teachers, the implementation of the cause of special class teachers establishment.Hangzhou normal university recommends outstanding graduates to apply for the position of teachers, and provides specialized talents through the order-type training mode.At the same time, with the help of the scientific research, teachers and management of hangzhou normal university, the overall teaching level and scientific research ability of experimental middle school teachers will be improved by expert lectures, special training, famous teachers' assistance, classroom diagnosis, the construction of "famous teachers' studio", project cooperative research and other methods.

Combine professional characteristics to shape school culture.In the process of characteristic construction, the school will pay attention to the influence of culture and strive to shape the culture of art school.Set up good art courses, further set up art associations, establish the mechanism of art activities, provide students with a stage for display through activities, and develop students' personalities;The construction of the campus natural, cultural environment, and strive to create a pleasant, educational atmosphere.

In addition, under the guidance of hangzhou normal university, the school will also develop its artistic characteristics, establish advanced school-running ideas, build excellent teachers, improve the scientific management system, form a distinctive artistic characteristics, promote the development of the school in an all-round way, and become a brand school with artistic characteristics of basic education in yuhang district.

The school insists that moral education should be the first step to carry out students' discipline education

"Law into school activities" colorful.The school was established by the provincial judicial department as the only contact point of law popularization education in the province, listed as the contact point of "wuwu" law popularization and "law six-advance" in hangzhou. The activity of "law into school" was fully affirmed by the superior units, and was interviewed and reported by many media.The school used the activity mode of "government, school, students and parents" of the town government, adopted the working method of "eight and one" among the students, and took "three ways" to carry out publicity work of law popularization for parents.

Resident students are managed in an orderly manner.It is not a boarding school, but students can enjoy the boarding school life.The new school has two accommodation buildings, which can provide accommodation for 1200 people.The management of the school is in good order. The management system such as "ten-point system for resident students" and "evaluation of code of conduct" can effectively promote the formation of good behavior habits of students.

There are various forms of behavior education.Schools are effective in educating students about the rules of conduct.To the class as a unit, carry out a variety of evaluation activities;In addition to the regular mobile red flag evaluation, health, discipline inspection, etc., the organization of student charity fund-raising, sports meeting, radio exercises, tabloid essay competition, bonfire evening party, the New Year art show and the evaluation of top ten civilized students and quality.Amateur league school, legal committee training, outside visits and so on, these activities can not only let students feel the collective strength in the activities, but also cultivate the quality of students.

Mental health education is solid and effective.The development of psychological counseling station can set different goals according to the actual needs of students, effectively carried out a series of activities, the school psychological counseling station was rated as hangzhou excellent station.


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